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About the Project

Growing up, we ate what our parents gave us, what the kids at school wouldn’t scrunch their noses at, and what we thought tasted good, which was probably also influenced by our parents and peers. Now that we’re older, we’ve developed our own tastes and cravings for certain flavors and foods. What we like about our food says a lot about who we are. Some people like their sandwiches with the crusts cut off, some like a diverse array of cuisines, some are vegetarians, and others might eat on strange schedules. Regardless of what we like to eat, or when we like to eat it, we are what we eat.

It is important then that the food we put into our bodies which nourishes and satisfies us is food that we trust—food that we would unhesitatingly feed our children, our closest friends, and ourselves if we knew how it was grown. Where our food comes from is just as important, if not more significant, than what we choose to do with it. The Yale Sustainable Food Project is dedicated to educating and working with the community to encourage more sustainable food practices and healthier food ways. The Yale Farm provides a communal learning experience that inspires us to both respect our land and our bodies; the farm grows healthy, natural, pesticide-free produce and flowers all year-round.

Over the past couple of years, the Yale Sustainable Food Project has grown. By creating opportunities for students to experience food, agriculture, and sustainability as integral parts of their education and everyday life, the Sustainable Food Project ensures that Yale graduates have the capacity to effect meaningful change as individuals and as leaders in their communities, their homes, and their life’s work.

For more information about the Yale Sustainable Food Projct, please visit our main website at To sign up for our email newsletter, send a note to

One Comment leave one →
  1. September 16, 2009 1:42 pm

    Hello. I’ve read about the Yale SFP. It is important that our colleges are instilling such a strong message about sustainability and also about necessary reform of agriculture and the food industry. We are taking a somewhat different approach, which we find to be the most pragmatic. It won’t work to “boycott” the large food companies. They’re too powerful and probably won’t go away. The smarter solution would be to try to educate executives about how to make even more profit by doing things right. If our grandparents could produce food for the winter without even one harmful ingredient and without one harmful process, I’m quite certain our smart and resource rich food organizations can also relearn how to do it on a larger scale.


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